Current News

Over the past few years we have seen the price of energy, transportation, and raw materials increase. As a result the processing cost for heat treating, plating and coatings have all increased as well. 

Starboard Parts Inc. has been successful in resisting the need to raise prices for the most of what we inventory. Again, with the "cost of doing business" increasing we are finding creative new ways of working with our machine shops to keep our cost low and maintain top level quality. We have issued blanket orders for one to two year commitments on many parts. Also, increasing our inventory to meet our customers needs.

MACHINES and parts that we service

We are a supplier of high quality repair parts for maintaining the can making industry. We service a large number of Continental machines and parts as well as various other machines used in and around the can  industry. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about a part that we can make for you. Here is a list of the Machines we work with.

  • Continental Scroll Shear

  • Closetech Seamers

  • Angelus Seamers

  • Dexter Feeder

  • All United Can Machinery

  • Bliss Flangers

  • Bliss Presses

  • Bliss Beaders

  • Continental Slitter

  • Continental 5 CD and 8 CD Liner

  • Continental Flanger

  • Continental 175 and 314 Press

  • Continental Curler

  • Continental LSM

  • Continental Seamer

  • Continental Test


Patrick Scott

Office : 503-723-0616
Cell : 503-250-4188
Fax : 503-723-0313
Email : patrickscott01@hotmail.com

For ordering or general inquires please contact Patrick Scott or use the contact form below.